
I am a writer and cultural anthropologist interested in the relationship between emotion, politics, and environment.

My dissertation, Living With Crisis: Family, Labor, and Environment in Flint, Michigan explores the ongoing effects of the Flint water crisis. I write about the everyday ways people form communities, make collective decisions, and sustain hope in a crisis that lasts years. This work has been supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the Martin Family Fellowship for Sustainability. 

I received my PhD from MIT's program in History, Anthropology, Science, Technology, and Society in 2023. I am currently a lecturer in the Tufts Anthropology Department.

Alongside writing and teaching, I enjoy hosting podcasts with the New Books Network. I am always excited about opportunities to curate thoughtful conversations that make anthropological ideas engaging and accessible to wider audiences.

Please feel free to get in touch about collaborating or to learn more about my publications or syllabi.